Fashion Blog


I wanted to start this blog to put ideas out there and step out of the narrow confines of being a fashion brand. Behind the creative output you see manifesting through Arahant are a whole host of ideas and practices that i've been working on for a number of decades, ideas emerging out of things like meditative practices, music, art, philosophy and psychedelics. In this post I wanted to write about a 5 gram "heroic dose" mushroom ceremony (heroic being the term the psychonaut Terrence Mckenna used to describe a 5 gram mushroom dose) in which I had a number of interesting insights, one of which was to start working on this blog that you are reading now. For those who are dismissive or still on the fence about psychedelics this piece may seem esoteric, weird or simply the ramblings of an hallucinating artist. If that is you I encourage you to read on and approach the ideas with a playful mind. I could reference how psychedelics are becoming mainstream and being utilised in mental health practices in order to convince you the legitimacy of these compounds. However I would rather urge you to follow your own curiosity and not dive into something simply because of herd mentality.


I recently came across a You Tube video (link below) that asked the question "Is Subculture Dead". Bliss Foster the vlogger in question has a very thoughtful You Tube channel that really deconstructs the world of fashion, from runway shows to narratives of fashion collections. This aforementioned video drew me in as subculture has been very important to me as a key influence in my music, fashion and politics. He does an analysis of what he thinks subculture to be and asks why did subcultures of the past seem more potent, have more impact. His analysis arrives at the conclusion that yes subcultures do indeed exist in todays culture but that they just look and feel different due to the presence of the internet. I found this conclusion to be somewhat lacking but an inspiration to dig further and uncover my own thoughts about what a subculture is.